(2018) 3 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 7–21
Title of the article Access to the Profession of a Prosecutor in Ukraine: Issues of Legislative Model Effectiveness
member of the Qualifications and Disciplinary Commission of Prosecutors, Kyiv, Ukraine, skkua@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 3
Pages [7–21]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The Law of Ukraine “On the Prosecutor’s Office” aims at implementing European principles of access to the profession of a prosecutor. However, neither European nor international treaties contain standards for the selection procedure of prosecutors. Relevant Council of Europe documents include only recommendations for qualities and competencies of future prosecutors. Nevertheless, following these recommendation does not guaranty the viability of the national model.
The analysis of empirical data calls the efficiency of selection procedure of Ukrainian prosecutors into question. Thus, the purpose of the article is to elaborate the theoretical concept of such an optimal legal model taking into account both foreign experience and features of the national legal system.
The comparative legal study of legal frameworks for prosecutor recruitment procedure in some Council of Europe member states, as well as of some aspects of forming judicial and bar corps in Ukraine was performed. As a result, a number of shortcomings in the national recruitment model was identified. One of them is an undifferentiated approach to the candidates for a position of a prosecutor depending on their work experience in law while determining the duration of the special training. The other one is the absence of unified requirements for the prosecutors of local prosecutor’s offices and specialized prosecutor’s offices. Moreover, there is no possibility to gain the necessary legal work experience immediately in the prosecutor’s office. Also, the issue of taking the qualification exam and forming the rating before the special training, rather than after its ending raises questions. And, finally, the lack of legal norms implementing a competence approach to the prosecutor recruitment and defining the bodies empowered to develop and approve the profile for a position of a prosecutor is of a matter of a great concern.
Keywords prosecutor recruitment; European standards; comparative legal study; legal work experience; qualification exam; special training; competence.
List of legal documents
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Edited books
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Journal articles
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22. Official website of the High Council of Justice of the Kingdom of Belgium URL: accessed 20 September 2018 (in English).
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